∎ Bay ➤ A bay is a body of water that is partly surrounded by land. Bays empty out into larger bodies of water like oceans and lakes. They are sometimes confused with other bodies of water such as gulfs, but bays are typically smaller . There are various ways in which bays can form. The largest bays have developed through plate tectonics. As the super-continent Pangaea broke up along curved and indented fault lines, the continents moved apart and left large bays; these include the Gulf of Guinea, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Bay of Bengal, which is the world's largest bay. Bays also form through coastal erosion by rivers and glaciers. A bay formed by a glacier is a fjord. Rias are created by rivers and are characterized by more gradual slopes. Bays can also be found along the shores of lakes. Bays are usually much calmer and more protected than seas or oceans . The land surrounding a bay often reduces the strength of winds and blocks waves. Most bays make excellent harbors and m...